My Pregnancy Must Haves

Taylr Anne Castro Pregnancy
Taylr Anne Castro Pregnancy
Taylr Anne Castro Pregnancy
Taylr Anne Castro Pregnancy

Now that I am 33 weeks pregnant, I wanted to make a list of some things I have relied on and loved to use during my pregnancy. This time has been so beautiful— changing, tiring and full of transition and growth. I feel so lucky to have had a relatively easy pregnancy, but these products below have made all of the difference too.


One. Prenatal Vitamins— I started taking prenatal vitamins about a year before trying to get pregnant, mostly for the additional nutrients. It also gave me such reassurance to know that when I found out I was pregnant, my baby was already getting the nutrients he needed. Three brands I recommend are: Perelel, Ritual, and Sakara. Which prenatal you take is entirely up to you but I have tried them all and they are all such good brands.

Two. Ginger CubesThese helped keep me distracted when I felt any waves of nausea come on. I relied on these on-the-go, and I always loved to be sipping on organic ginger tea when I was at home.

Three. A Good Pregnancy App— I have relied on my pregnancy apps to help guide me through the months of pregnancy. Most of the time when I would open my app, it would tell me not only about the growth of our baby, but how I was supposed to be feeling. The pregnancy app I use most on my phone is What To Expect.

Four. Linen / Stretchy Pants In A Bigger Size— The bloat is so real the first few months of pregnancy and I found myself wanting to wear looser clothes pretty quickly. I wore linen shorts most days and because my pregnancy landed predominantly during the summer, being in a bathing suit was actually really nice because they didn’t feel constricting on my body.

Five. Healthy Snacks— Those first few weeks of pregnancy nausea are rough. Thankfully I didn’t have severe symptoms, but I felt like my nausea mildly lingered all day long some days. I noticed that if I kept my stomach full I wouldn’t feel as nauseous, so I made sure to snack on protein bars and protein shakes throughout the day and saltine crackers by my bedside for any nausea in the middle of the night.

Six. Clean Beauty & Skincare— This has been a priority for me even before pregnancy, but I especially took notice to what I was putting on my skin when I found out I was pregnant. I really limited my products those first weeks when baby was really developing. I mostly just used a face wash and oil, but as my pregnancy has progressed and I am in my final weeks, I have integrated a few more products into my routine and they are all clean skincare brands. It has been really fun to find some new mama-safe brands too. A few I have loved so far are SoKind, Basq Skincare, Typology Paris, and Hatch.


Seven. Prenatal Workouts— I really didn’t start working out in my pregnancy until the second trimester. I lacked energy in the first trimester to pursue any workouts (other than walking) and it felt best listening to what my body needed. Once second trimester hit, I had more energy and I really loved the Prenatal Flow workouts on Fluid Form Pilates. Each workout was between 15-45 minutes and these pilates movements really made me feel like I was getting stronger! The nice thing about Fluid Form is there are specific workouts for each trimester, so it truly focuses on what your body needs and takes the guessing game out of what is safe for you and baby. Between pilates, daily walks and some prenatal yoga, I worked out when I felt the energy to and rested when needed. I feel like it is so important to listen to your body when pregnant— it is already doing so much!

Eight. Loose Button-Up TopsI have been living in oversized men’s button-ups during my pregnancy because they are not only super comfortable (and transitional for after baby arrives!) but they look really chic and effortless without even trying. I usually pair them with linen shorts or easy pants. Sometimes I will even wear one over a stretchy dress. These button-ups have become one of my most versatile wardrobe staples during pregnancy.

Nine. Pregnancy Books— Two books I really loved reading were Nurture & Bringing Up Bébé. I know I will refer back to them near the end of my pregnancy and postpartum! During my tired days and in the evenings, I loved reaching for one of my books. It was a nice break from laying on the couch and watching movies and I felt like I was using my time beneficially while reading.

Ten. Comfortable Shoes— It was around the middle/end of my second trimester that I started to have foot pain. I mostly notice this when getting out of bed (the first few steps are always the hardest!) or if I have been walking for a while. I think it is mostly from the additional weight from pregnancy and baby, but having comfortable shoes makes all the difference. Thankfully I am pregnant during the summer, because I have been wearing Birkenstocks, comfortable sandals, and slippers at home. My feet are a little too swollen for any of my other shoes at the moment.


Eleven. Pregnancy PillowI didn’t think I needed a pregnancy pillow but at 30 weeks when I finally got one, it made all of the difference in my sleep. It hugs my body completely and I noticed the biggest difference in weight distribution and ease in my shoulders. I love this organic cotton one from Amazon. It came so quickly and I love that I can remove the cover to wash.

Twelve. Etto OilI’ve used this Etto Oil on my belly since the beginning, and it has been so incredibly nourishing on my growing skin. This has also been a self care ritual I have done since the early days of my pregnancy. I haven’t missed a day of applying oil to my belly and I love taking this time for myself.

Thirteen. Nursing & Sleep BraThis was one of my first purchases after finding out I was pregnant. These nursing and sleep bras were a must for me. During those early weeks, everything that touched my body I wanted to be comfortable and the thought of wearing a real bra was not appealing. I have been wearing these bras my entire pregnancy, which has been an easy transition as I know I will be wearing them for the many months to come. One of my favorite styles is this one by STORQ. It is so soft and comfortable and will be something I pack in my hospital bag. You can use the code TAYLRANNEXSTORQ for 15% off site wide.

Fourteen. Magnesi-OmMagnesium before bed has been a lifesaver for these restless and uncomfortable nights. This one by Moon Juice is clean and tastes so good. I look forward to it every night before I go to bed. I try to drink a teaspoon at least an hour before bed so it hits me early.

Fifteen. Reusable Water BottleI am drinking so much water all day long and having a reusable water bottle with me at all times is a must. I love this one by F. Miller.

Sixteen. Acid ReliefAt about 26 weeks, I started to notice acid reflux after eating dinner, especially if I quickly laid down. It happened mostly with specific foods (like raw tomatoes) but sometimes it would hit randomly after having a plain meal. Having a safe acid relief on hand has been an absolute necessity, especially when I would wake up in the middle of the night. Genexa is a clean medicine brand that I love and recommended.

Seventeen. Leather JournalHaving a small leather journal to keep at my bedside or have in my purse has been such a lovely thing during my pregnancy. I love being able to write down how I am feeling and my gratitudes so I can look back at them and remember this time.

Eighteen. Stretch Mark OilTypology Paris has this stretch mark gel-to-oil (with baobab oil) that has been a new favorite addition in my skin nourishment. I don’t have stretch marks quite yet on my belly, but I love using this to really hydrate my stretching skin. The packaging is also super beautiful and I love keeping it on my side table.

Nineteen. Prenatal Massages— During the third trimester, I feel like my body is truly carrying my baby now so weekly/bimonthly massages are the biggest investment that my body is thankful for. I have been most achey in my feet and between my shoulders, and having a prenatal massage makes all the difference for me. If you have the means to invest in a few prenatal massages during your pregnancy, your body will feel so good.

*I will be updating this as my pregnancy progresses!