Made-To-Measure: Customizing a Tailored Blouse to Fit Perfectly with Careste

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to work with Careste, a made-to-measure, direct to consumer brand who makes couture quality shirting at a competitive price. I’ve never really tailored my clothing, other than altering a few vintage pieces, so creating a shirt from start to finish was such a cool experience. Before ordering my shirt, I received the free Fit Folio, which includes a soft measurer to take your measurements. On Careste’s website you can input all of your measurements to create a perfectly-fit, limited edition Italian silk top in the style of your choosing. Like most women, our bodies are so different, so finding a shirt that actually fits is a challenge. Normally for me, I always have to go up a size to make sure it lays correctly over my chest, but with this comes the struggle of something looking too big on me. My body is typically a size 4, but because I have boobs, there’s no way I can fit into that, so I always opt for a 6. As soon as I put this blouse on, I was blown away. A shirt.. that actually fits everywhere. Perfect length, perfect everything. I received my top shortly after I ordered, less than two weeks. It’s such a luxury to have clothes that fit, and I have to agree, my mother always said a tailored wardrobe is sophisticated, no matter if it’s a big or small.

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