Boot Camp: Stuart Weitzman Veruka Boots

The more my style develops, I am finding myself drawn to quality basics that I want to wear every day and then filling the gaps with cool standout pieces. It is crazy how a simple outfit such as a white linen blouse and vintage levi’s can look unique just by wearing some fun boots. These Stuart Weitzman Veruka boots in this pretty rose color (shown above) are the epitome of cool. Classic combat meets sock boot, creating a feminine version of the trendy utilitarian boot. This style is something I personally feel like I identify more with than the traditional flat, lace-up combat. Don’t get me wrong— a combat boot is a staple, but having something with a heel and in a not-so-basic color makes this boot a must-have for winter. Also available in black and a pretty soft blue, I find myself making excuses why I would need all three colors.

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