von Holzhausen: Introducing Technik-Leather and Sustainable Fashion


To kick off my collaboration with the sustainable handbag line, von Holzhausen, I wanted to share some BTS photos from our photoshoot launching the new Technik-Leather collection. Spending the morning at a secluded beach for a sunrise surf in Malibu, followed by an afternoon in the Art's District in LA– here is a glimpse of my favorite bags paired with an outfit I styled for the day.

Not only is von Holzhausen finding incredible alternatives for leather, but there are so many things the brand is doing RIGHT. I am so happy to support a company that not only is a push in sustainable fashion, but also gives back to charities. As consumers,we need to encourage more companies to be centered in philanthropy, helping others around us. What is cooler than being sustainable, helping the world around you, and not having to compromise your personal voice and style... all at the same time?


The Medium Tote in Sand

The Technik-Leather Tote in Black


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