Inspirations, Feelings, and the Jewelry Trend I Am Into Right Now


As today is the last day of our first month in 2017, I’ve really made the effort to take a slow start into this year. I needed it more than I thought I did. It has been a time to recharge, regain accuracy in my focus, target goals and really figure out the direction I want to take my brand. Although I have taken it slow these past few weeks, I’ve never felt more inspired and re-energized for what's to come. I recently started going back to yoga and I can't find a reason why I ever stopped– I am at my happiest when I have a healthy mind-body connection.

Feeling connected to the quiet part of the world a little more, I find myself taking more time to observe. To watch what is happening around me and not feeling the need to speak. When I catch a glimpse in the mirror wearing these crescent earrings I am reminded to remain curious and not to fear the darkness after dusk. Or alternatively, know that even on days when I am feeling undoubtably human, without darkness we would not appreciate light and that light will come. Wearing reminders like these are something I am really into right now. Even the smallest, almost secret, pieces are my favorite.

I feel so much more grounded in my everyday life and my priorities have become clearer. In the busyness of it all, I tend to find inspiration from the smallest things. A simple hour sweating on my mat, a scroll through Pinterest, solo time doing something I love, a visit to a museum– I am immediately awake again. Waking up early is another huge inspiration for me. Having open eyes during those dark hours is solitude that most people miss out on. Seeing the moon just before the sun rises is metaphorical for me, experiencing the stillness before the energy of the day. This is exactly how I have started my year, calm and still...
 and now, I am ready.


Loca Luna Akmar Stud Earrings

PoppyChain Hoop Earrings

Kristen Elspeth Thread Earcuff

Ursa Major Odell Ring No. 1

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