What is a typical day for you?

I think the word typical is kind of nonexistent when describing freelance life because everyday for me tends to be different. My ideal morning starts at 6:30am, rolling out of bed and making coffee. I spend the first hour of my morning reading and clearing my mind. No emails, no phone. After that, it's go time.

What is it like working and living in the same space?

It is a blessing and a curse. I have slowly disciplined myself not to overwork myself because it is easy to do when your work space is the same space as your living. Balance is key or else I get overwhelmed. I love working from home though, I feel really inspired in my space; it's quiet, bright, and full of natural light– which makes it easy for me to think and create.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to get outside. Go on hikes or go surfing. I really love cooking so I like taking time to go to the Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings and spend my evenings cooking. I also love having fresh flowers and trimmings in my space, so lately I've been going on bike rides and clipping a ton of Eucalyptus from these trees in my neighborhood and putting them in vases all over. If I am spending time in my studio, I love to light a candle and sketch or write in one of my moleskin journals, or have people over for conversation and a bottle of wine.

Where do you tend to look for inspiration?

The internet is magical and I am going to sound extremely cliché, but Pinterest is my visual inspiration organized neatly in folders. Other artists and creatives inspire me, so it's always inspiring to see what they are creating.

Describe your personal style.

Simple, feminine/masculine, artistic, chic. A lot of denim, clean designs, textures. I think my home shares a similar aesthetic.

What is your current color palette?

Nude, Mustard, Navy, Grey, Pale Pink.

Five things you never want to live without...

My family, coffee, fresh food, a lover, and my iPhone.

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