

The word is out!  Man Repeller founder, Leandra Medine, & Robert Clergerie's CD, Roland Mouret have selected me as one of the four finalist for the Robert Clergerie #ClergerieGirls contest!  I can hardly contain my excitement!!  Over the next six weeks starting on November 16th, I will be competing to win the chance to go to Paris and also design my own shoe. WHAT! Pretty much a dream!  Here is what the Creative Director had to say:

Roland Mouret: Her style is strong and portrays her character through her presence and artistic compositions and unwielding stare. It is a street carpet surprise and shows the style of someone who knows what she wants – the epitomy of the strong independent Clergerie Girl with a touch of personal style.

Follow along over the next few months and wish me luck!!!


"The role of the artist is to ask questions, not answer them."

JournalTaylr Anne6 Comments