Christmas is creeping up so quickly. Can you believe it? In between traveling and work, it's sometimes hard to slip away and bear the crowds to find the 'perfect' gift. Thats why I adore shopping online- It's easy, quick, and you can stay in bed to do it.

Here are a few of my picks that would be great holiday gifts!  Clicking on the photos will get you right to the page to purchase.

For your girl:

*Other ideas: Something sentimental you found at a vintage shop, an old vinyl record, or anything handmade.  As a simple girl, a book, cup of coffee, and you are all I would want for Christmas. Maybe some Bing playing in the background.

For your man:

*Never underestimate the power of breakfast in bed, a thoughtful book, a hand knit scarf, some whiskey, and a whole lotta love.

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